
I'm a 30-something foodie.

I recently discovered a passion for brussels sprouts (preferred cooking method: roasted, Mark Bittman style.)

I love reading food memoirs.

When travelling, I like to sample local hot sauces- the best I've ever had is Pique Criollo in Puerto Rico.

Worst culinary adventure: A tie between Russia, where I had soup made with fermented salmon head, and Samoa, where I ate a live palolo worm. (Though the adventure of capturing the worm made it worth it.)

Favorite foods: fancy cheeses, enchiladas, broccoli, dark leafy greens and root beer floats.

Most processed foods annoy me.

I'm intrigued by the recent preserved lemons trend.

I want to have chickens in my backyard. And a goat.

I really, really hope that my son becomes a foodie, too. I think it would crush me if he wanted to subsist on hot dogs and mac'n'cheese. How do I avoid that?